Understanding Environment Variables in Python: Creating, Activating, and Deactivating

In the world of programming, managing configurations and sensitive data is a crucial aspect of developing secure and adaptable applications. Python, as a versatile and widely-used programming language, offers several ways to handle environment-specific settings and secrets. One of the most common and recommended methods is through the use of environment variables. In this blog post, we’ll explore what environment variables are, how to create them, how to activate and deactivate them within your Python projects, and even how to create them programmatically using Python.

What Are Environment Variables?

Environment variables are a way to store configuration settings, secrets, and other runtime parameters outside of your Python code. They are stored in the operating system’s environment and can be accessed by programs and scripts to configure their behavior. This approach provides several advantages:

  1. Security: Sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and access tokens should never be hard-coded in your code. Environment variables keep such data separate from your source code, reducing the risk of exposure.
  2. Portability: By using environment variables, you can develop your Python applications on one machine and deploy them on another without worrying about hardcoded settings that may differ between environments.
  3. Flexibility: Environment variables allow you to change the configuration of your application without modifying the code. This is especially useful for applications that need to be configured differently in different environments (e.g., development, testing, production).

Creating Environment Variables

Creating environment variables can be done manually as described in the previous section. However, you can also create them programmatically using Python.

To create an environment variable using Python, you can use the os module. Here’s how you can do it:

In this code, we import the os module, define the name and value of the environment variable, and then set it using os.environ. Finally, we verify that the variable has been set correctly by using os.environ.get.

Another way: python -m venv MYVARIABLE

Activating Environment Variables in Python

Once you’ve created your environment variables, you can access them in your Python code using the os module, as shown in the previous section.

Here’s a reminder of how to access an environment variable in Python:

Another way: MYVARIABLE/scripts/activate

Deactivating Environment Variables

Deactivating environment variables is simply a matter of removing or resetting their values. To remove an environment variable, you can do it programmatically in Python as well:

In this code, we use del os.environ[variable_name] to remove the environment variable if it exists.

Another way: deactivate


Environment variables are a fundamental tool for managing configuration settings and secrets in your Python projects. They offer security, portability, and flexibility, making them a preferred choice for handling sensitive data and runtime parameters. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can create, activate, and deactivate environment variables in Python, including programmatically creating and removing them as needed. This knowledge will help you build robust and adaptable applications while maintaining the security of your sensitive data.

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